Technology & Phenomenology of Constellations

In this module we will learn about the attitude needed for Constellation Work and how to create the right atmosphere which is the basis for work. We will address issues like: when do we set up a constellation, for what issue and what type of a constellation. Decision what to set up. Phases of a constellation. Reading the energy of a constellation. Recognizing systemic dynamics. Most common dynamics & entanglements and their resolution. Rituals and words that heal. Reading the Knowing Field. A facilitator follows movements of the Spirit. Wu-Wei principle of doing without doing. Surrendering to other forces. What helps and what doesn’t. The orders of helping.

These and other issues we will explore through experiential processes and participants’ issues.

FACILITATOR: Alemka Dauskardt

DATE: 31.8. & 1.9.2024.


(with simultaneous translation to Serbian for those choosing that option – engleski sa simultanim prijevodom na srpski)

This online module is a part of our education program “Constellations according to Hellinger” and counts towards the diploma of this program. You need to register and pay for each module separately. You can attend individual modules. Information about our other modules you can find HERE.


Workshops are offered on weekends, as 12 working hours spread over Saturday and Sunday. CET time zone. 10.00 – 17.30  with plenty of breaks for your comfort. Real time – no recordings are made!


ZOOM application which you can download HERE free of charge and a computer or laptop with a functioning camera and microphone.


For registration it is necessary to fill in and submit the Registration form below. Please note that your registration is valid only when confirmed by a payment of € 160 (or a discounted rate if you are eligible).

Payments should arrive a week before the starting date at the latest so that you receive an email with all the information for participation, e-materials and a Zoom link.


direct transfer to the account

ACC. NAME: KONSTELACIJA, vl. Alemka Dauskardt

ADDRESS: Natka Nodila 6, 10 000 Zagreb, Croatia

IBAN: HR92 2340 0091 1607 5838 5


BANK ADDRESS: Privredna banka Zagreb, 10 000 Zagreb, Radnicka cesta 50, Hrvatska


via Pay Pal on

Please note that you can register for a module only 2 weeks before a module is scheduled. If you would like to get a reminder send us a message “English modules mail list” through the CONTACT PAGE.


If we need to cancel the seminar, you will be fully refunded. If you can not attend, your fee is not refundable or transferable to any other person, but is valid for any future attendance at our programs of equal value.


Module “Technology & Phenomenology”

Please note that all your personal details are handled in accordance with our Privacy Protection Policy, kept only for the purpose of organizing programs attendance and are not passed on to any other party without your explicit permission.